MY PROJECT - Interactive Questionnaire Title


h1 Welcome

h2 glad to see you here

h3 Before you start

h4 Example Introduction

(Paragraph Format Normal) We're conducting a Community survey to get a deeper understanding of the local needs. We'd love to hear from you about various themes for future development of the Community. This will help us make improvements to the existing plan and prioritize new features.

The survey should only take 5 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.
You can only take the survey once, but you can edit your responses until the survey is closed on May 28, 2021.
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email us:

We really appreciate your input!


(Paragraph Format Formatted)
Write an introduction with the assumption that respondents don't know much, if anything, about the topic of your survey. Use simple, clear language to briefly explain the topic and purpose of the survey. Your introduction only needs to be three or four sentences, or a couple of short paragraphs at most.

Include the following useful information in your introduction:
  • The name of the company or organization you represent
  • The goal of the survey or what you're trying to find out
  • How you'll be using the responses to make a difference
  • If the responses are anonymous, confidential, or tracked
  • Relevant instructions that aren't explained in the survey questions themselves
  • Any consent statement or privacy policy required by your company or organization

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